Cincinnati Art Museum Discovering the Story Discovering the Story

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Ali Baba Vase

Mary Louise McLaughlin (1847-1939), The Cincinnati Pottery Club (1879-1890), Frederick Dallas Hamilton Road Pottery (1865-1882)
United States (Cincinnati)
"Ali Baba" Vase, 1880
Gift of the Women's Art Museum Association, 1881.239
See larger picture

Aladdin Vase

Maria Longworth Nichols Storer (1849-1932), The Rookwood Pottery Company (1880-1967)
Aladdin Vase, 1882
Gift of Mr. and Mrs. James J. Gardner, 2002.94
See larger picture

Ali Baba Vase by Mary Louise McLaughlin
Aladdin Vase by Maria Longworth Nichols Storer

Watch the Dueling Divas Vases Video

The duration of the video is approximately six and a half minutes.

Additional Resources Glossary The Cincinnati Wing About Discovering the Story Educators Videoconference Underground Railroad Cincinnati's Golden Age

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